Inspiring cyber books, podcasts and sites

I often get asked by colleagues for recommendations on latest info to read / listen to for all things cyber & privacy, or interesting & inspiring material to read up on.

I therefore decided it would be useful to share this more broadly, hence this page.

Here’s my latest recommendations:

“Darknet Diaries”

Podcast by Jack Rhysider. A mix of very interesting cyber related stories on a number of current topics. Well put together, and easy to listen to:

“The Great Hack”

An eye opening documentary available on Netflix about the Cambridge Analytica, big data, and our future:

“Click here to kill everybody” Book

A very interesting read from the renowned cyber security guru – Bruce Schneier:

The Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer EspionageBook

I read this at uni, and literally didn’t put it down until I had finished reading from cover to cover. One of the main reasons I got into cyber security in the first place!

A few more handy / interesting cyber / privacy related sites: